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  Pore cross-section area on predicting elastic properties of trabecular bovine bone for human implants
Titel: Pore cross-section area on predicting elastic properties of trabecular bovine bone for human implants
Auteur: Maciel, Alfredo
Presbítero, Gerardo
Piña, Cristina
del Pilar Gutiérrez, María
Guzmán, José
Munguía, Nadia
Verschenen in: Bio-medical materials and engineering
Paginering: Jaargang 25 (2015) nr. 1 pagina's 9-23
Jaar: 2015-01-13
Inhoud: A clear understanding of the dependence of mechanical properties of bone remains a task not fully achieved. In order to estimate the mechanical properties in bones for implants, pore cross-section area, calcium content, and apparent density were measured in trabecular bone samples for human implants. Samples of fresh and defatted bone tissue, extracted from one year old bovines, were cut in longitudinal and transversal orientation of the trabeculae. Pore cross-section area was measured with an image analyzer. Compression tests were conducted into rectangular prisms. Elastic modulus presents a linear tendency as a function of pore cross-section area, calcium content and apparent density regardless of the trabecular orientation. The best variable to estimate elastic modulus of trabecular bone for implants was pore cross-section area, and affirmations to consider Nukbone process appropriated for marrow extraction in trabecular bone for implantation purposes are proposed, according to bone mechanical properties. Considering stress–strain curves, defatted bone is stiffer than fresh bone. Number of pores against pore cross-section area present an exponential decay, consistent for all the samples. These graphs also are useful to predict elastic properties of trabecular samples of young bovines for implants.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 10 van 10 gevonden artikelen
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