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  Percutaneous autologous bone marrow injection for treatment of delayed and non-union of long bone: A retrospective study of 45 cases
Title: Percutaneous autologous bone marrow injection for treatment of delayed and non-union of long bone: A retrospective study of 45 cases
Author: Gross, Jean-Baptiste
Diligent, Jérôme
Bensoussan, Danièle
Galois, Laurent
Stoltz, Jean-François
Mainard, Didier
Appeared in: Bio-medical materials and engineering
Paging: Volume 25 (2014) nr. supplement-1 pages 187-197
Year: 2014-12-23
Contents: BACKGROUND: Non-union of long bones is still a current problem in traumatology. Although corticocancellous bone autograft remains the usual procedure for the treatment of non-union, innovative therapies such as, percutaneous autologous concentrated bone marrow grafting (PABMG), are now appearing. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Over a period of 8 years, 45 non-union of long bones were treated by PABMG in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Surgery (University Hospital of Nancy, France): 26 tibiae, 16 femurs, 3 humeri. Efficiency was evaluated by clinical criteria: full weight-bearing without pain, absence of motion at non-union site, and radiological criteria: healing of 3 corticales out of 4. RESULTS: Eighteen out of 28 non-unions at the tibia were healed (69%), 10 at the femur (63%), but none was noticed at the humerus. Some pejorative prognosis factors were noted such as: tobacco, alcohol abuse, diabetes and history of infection at the fracture site. An earlier grafting improved the success rate. The number of CFU-F (Colony Forming Unit Fibroblastic) affected the healing time more than the healing rate. CONCLUSION: The procedure, even though a little invasive, enables the healing of non-union in two out of three cases with less morbidity than conventional procedures. This procedure fits perfectly into the therapeutic arsenal of non-union.
Publisher: IOS Press
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 14 of 20 found articles
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