Dose-densified chemoimmunotherapy followed by systemic central nervous system prophylaxis for younger high-risk diffuse large B-cell/follicular grade 3 lymphoma patients: results of a phase II Nordic Lymphoma Group study
Dose-densified chemoimmunotherapy followed by systemic central nervous system prophylaxis for younger high-risk diffuse large B-cell/follicular grade 3 lymphoma patients: results of a phase II Nordic Lymphoma Group study
Holte, H. Leppä, S. Björkholm, M. Fluge, Ø. Jyrkkiö, S. Delabie, J. Sundström, C. Karjalainen-Lindsberg, M.-L. Erlanson, M. Kolstad, A. Fosså, A. Østenstad, B. Löfvenberg, E. Nordström, M. Janes, R. Pedersen, L.M. Anderson, H. Jerkeman, M. Eriksson, M.