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  Rationale and efficacy of a tactile—kinaesthetic treatment for alexia
Title: Rationale and efficacy of a tactile—kinaesthetic treatment for alexia
Author: Lott, Susan Nitzberg
Friedman, Rhonda B.
Linebaugh, Craig W.
Appeared in: Aphasiology
Paging: Volume 8 (1994) nr. 2 pages 181-195
Year: 1994-03-01
Contents: Patients with pure alexia typically read words by first naming each letter of the word, either aloud or silently. These patients do not show signs of phonological alexia (poor pseudoword and functor reading). Patient T.L., a pure alexic patient with poor letter-naming abilities, had marked difficulty reading functors and pseudowords, but not spelling them or identifying them when they were spelled to him, a pattern which has been called 'modality-specific phonological alexia'. We used a multiple-baseline design to evaluate a tactile-kinaesthetic treatment programme designed to improve T.L.'s letter-naming, thus enabling him to read in letter-by-letter fashion. Results showed that the treatment was efficacious, with a 51% improvement achieved in trained word reading and a 40% increase in untrained word reading. Furthermore, the part-of-speech effect was no longer significant following treatment, a result that our hypothesis of T.L.'s underlying impairment predicted.
Publisher: Psychology Press
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 2 of 8 found articles
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