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  Book reviews and books received
Titel: Book reviews and books received
Verschenen in: British journal of guidance & counselling
Paginering: Jaargang 27 (1999) nr. 3 pagina's 441-451
Jaar: 1999-08-01
Inhoud: Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy van Deurzen, E., 1998 Chichester: Wiley Isbn 0-471-97390-4 £14.95 Witness and Vision of the Therapists Feltham, C. (Ed.), 1998 London: Sage ISBN 0-7619-5158-X £13.99 Are You Sitting Uncomfortably?: Windy Dryden Live and Uncut Dryden, W., 1998 Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books ISBN 1-898059-18-7 £10.50 (discounts for buying direct) The Integrative Power of Cognitive Therapy Alford, B.A. & Beck, A.T., 1997 New York: Guilford Press ISBN 1-57230-171-6 £11.95 Psychotherapy Counselling and Mental Health Care: Assessment for Brief or Longer-Term Treatment Burton, M., 1998 Chichester: Wiley ISBN 0-471-98228-8 £17.99 Career Counselling: a Narrative Approach Cochran, L., 1997 London: Sage ISBN 0-7619-0442-5 £14.99 Telling Tales: Perspectives on Guidance and Counselling in Learning Edwards, R., Harrison, R. & Tait, A.I. (Eds), 1998 London: Routledge ISBN 0-415-19443-1 £14.99 Taking Issue: Debates in Guidance and Counselling in Learning Crawford, M., Edwards, R. & Kydd, L. (Eds), 1998 London: Routledge ISBN 0-415-19667-1 £14.99
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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