Comparisons of sorghum grain (milo) and maize as the principal cereal grain source in poultry rations
Comparisons of sorghum grain (milo) and maize as the principal cereal grain source in poultry rations
Bornstein, S. Bartov, I.
Appeared in:
British poultry science
Volume 8 (1967) nr. 3 pages 223-230
Two trials involving 324 laying hens housed in individual cages, and lasting 3½ and 5½ months, respectively, were performed in order to compare the nutritive value of milo with that of maize, and that of fresh local grains with stored grains imported from the U.S.A. Each trial involved two comparisons between milo and maize, one with local and one with imported grains. Each one of these four comparisons included three dietary treatments: an all-maize diet, a mixed milo-maize (50:50) diet, and an all-milo diet. All diets were isonitrogenous (without any attempt made to equalise energy content also), the dietary protein being derived from various combinations of the different grains and soyabean meal, and from 3 per cent fish meal. Under the conditions of this study there were no significant nor consistent differences either between milo and maize or between fresh and imported grains, so far as performance of laying hens is concerned. On the other hand, both variables had a highly significant effect on egg yolk pigmentation. Yolk colour intensity was enhanced with increasing dietary levels of maize, irrespective of its origin, but the origin affected pigment-ing ability by about 50 per cent. Part of this latter effect is probably due to a difference in initial xanthophyll concentrations between local and American maize, part the result of age deterioration of xanthophyll, and there also appeared to exist a difference in the efficiency of utilisation of the remaining xanthophyll in favour of the local maize.