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                                       Details van artikel 7 van 13 gevonden artikelen
  Life-Span of Insulating Glass Units
Titel: Life-Span of Insulating Glass Units
Auteur: Brolin, Hans
Verschenen in: Building research & information
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (1985) nr. 1 pagina's 55-57
Jaar: 1985-01
Inhoud: This article from the Swedish National Testing Institute describes the new test method adopted as part of a certification programme for insulating glass units. It measures the water vapour transmission into the sealed air space and compares it to the capacity of the desiccant in the unit. The water vapour transmission is measured indirectly by two successive measurements of the dewpoint temperature inside the air space. Before the test starts the desiccant is removed in order to detect small differences in the amount of water vapour in the unit. A theoretical life span of the unit is then calculated assuming 10.0 g/m3 as the average water vapour concentration to which it will be exposed in practice. Proposed requirement for the test is a theoretical life of one hundred years for the unit.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 13 gevonden artikelen
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