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  Topology Design of Planar Cross-Sections with a Genetic Algorithm: Part 1--Overcoming the Obstacles
Titel: Topology Design of Planar Cross-Sections with a Genetic Algorithm: Part 1--Overcoming the Obstacles
Auteur: Fanjoy, David W.
Crossley, William A.
Verschenen in: Engineering optimization
Paginering: Jaargang 34 (2002) nr. 1 pagina's 1-22
Jaar: 2002
Inhoud: Using a topology approach gives an engineer freedom to design a structure of any shape and connectivity. In this way, no a priori knowledge of the shape or geometry of the design is needed when the problem is being formulated. The binary chromosome design storage and global search capabilities of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) make it a powerful tool for solving topology design problems. Previous researchers have experimented with the GA for topology design, and some have indicated that methodology issues prevented wider application. Among these issues are chromosome crossover method, enforcement of design connectivity, and appropriate structural analysis. The research described in this paper investigated the use of a GA for topology design of planar cross-sections under bending and torsion. Chromosome crossover method was investigated for this class of problems, and methods of enforcing connected designs were studied. The research shows that, with proper structural modeling and appropriate choice of crossover and connectivity, a GA can perform topology design for bending and torsional elements. Successful cases are presented and discussed.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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