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                                       Details for article 4 of 6 found articles
  Industrial waste facility site selection using geographical information system techniques
Title: Industrial waste facility site selection using geographical information system techniques
Author: Fatta, D.
Saravanos, P.
Loizidou, M.
Appeared in: International journal of environmental studies
Paging: Volume 56 (1998) nr. 1 pages 1-14
Year: 1998
Contents: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide a decision-maker with a powerful set of tools for the manipulation and analysis of spatial information. This study describes the site allocation process of an industrial waste facility in the island of Cyprus in order to demonstrate the utility of the GIS technology. The site selection process should be a step-by-step approach involving the evaluation of alternatives and the gradual narrowing of geographic focus. To identify potential sites for waste treatment and disposal facilities it is necessary to specify the set of constraint criteria, collect the required data and model this information. This work summarizes the type of location constraint criteria that might be imposed. Examples demonstrate how the required data can be placed in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to model and identify candidate waste sites.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 4 of 6 found articles
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