Gray, D. W. S. Leathlean, Howard Cobham, Ralph Stiles, Richard Laurie, I. C. Watson, J. R.
Appeared in:
Landscape research
Volume 12 (1987) nr. 2 pages 27-32
GARTENDENKMALPFLEGE, edited by Dieter Hennebo, 1985, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 70, Postfach 70 05 61. 29 colour photographs and 126 black and white photos, drawings and prints. DM 198.00. VICTORIAN GARDENS, Brent Elliott, London: Batsford, 1986, pp. 285, £30.00 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES: AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, Chris C. Park (Ed.), Croom Helm, 1986, 315 pp, £22.50. URBS ET REGIO 34/1984, Jungst, P. (Ed.), Kasseler Schrift-enreihe zur Geographic und Planung Innere und aussere Landschaften Zur Symbolbelegung und emotionale Besetzung von raumlicher Umwelt. LANNING ROPER AND HIS GARDENS by Jane Brown, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1987. (42 colour plates, 120 illustrations in black and white and 25 plans). Price £20.00. A TASTE FOR TRAVEL. AN ANTHOLOGY by John Julius Norwich. Macmillan, 1985, pp 435, paperback, £7.95.