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                                       Details for article 3 of 9 found articles
  El elefante fósil de Buelna (Asturias). Nota preliminar
Title: El elefante fósil de Buelna (Asturias). Nota preliminar
Author: Mazo, A. V.
Appeared in: Estudios geológicos
Paging: Volume 54 (1998) nr. 5-6 pages 273-274
Year: 1998
Contents: An elephant fossil was found in a cave close to Buena (Asturias, Spain). It was identified as <i>Elephas antiquus</i> (Falconer & Cautley). This initial study is based on the morphological and metrical characteristics of a femur and an hemipelvis. These fossil remains belong to a grown-up quite complete animal which is still waiting for its extraction. According to chronology, we allocate this finding to the last interglacial period.<br><br>Un elefante fósil encontrado en una cueva próxima a Buena (Asturias) se identifica como <i>Elephas antiquus</i> (Falconer & Cautley). <br><br>Este estudio preliminar se basa en las características morfológicas y métricas de un fémur y una hemipelvis; restos que forman parte de un individuo adulto bastante completo que aún permanece sin extraer. Cronológicamente, atribuimos este hallazgo al último interglacial.
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 3 of 9 found articles
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