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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A decade of social media in public relations research: A systematic review of published articles in 2010–2020 Roth-Cohen, Osnat

48 1 p.
2 Building “foundational” linkages between development communication and public relations: A collaborative communication approach to development Joshi, Bhupesh

48 1 p.
3 Business-centered versus socially responsible corporate diversity communication. An assessment of stakeholder (dis)agreement on Twitter Maiorescu-Murphy, Roxana D.

48 1 p.
4 Clean diesel and dirty scandal: The echo of Volkswagen’s dieselgate in an intra-industry setting Jong, Wouter

48 1 p.
5 Convergence or divergence? A comparative analysis of CSR communication by leading firms in Asia, Europe, and North America Vollero, Agostino

48 1 p.
6 Crisis communication: The mediating role of cognitive and affective empathy in the relationship between crisis type and crisis response strategy on post-crisis reputation and forgiveness Ndone, James

48 1 p.
7 Critical humanism for public relations: Harnessing the synergy of gender, race and sexuality research Ciszek, Erica

48 1 p.
8 Culture and internal communication in Chile: Linking ethical organizational culture, transparent communication, and employee advocacy Thelen, Patrick D.

48 1 p.
9 Editorial Board
48 1 p.
10 Empathy as a main ingredient of impactful crisis communication: The perspectives of crisis communication practitioners Schoofs, Lieze

48 1 p.
11 Enhancing Employee Engagement via Leaders’ Motivational Language in times of crisis: Perspectives from the COVID-19 outbreak Tao, Weiting

48 1 p.
12 How dialogic internal communication fosters employees’ safety behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic Lee, Yeunjae

48 1 p.
13 How does it depend?: A systematic review of the contingency theory of accommodation in communication scholarship Lee, Hyunmin

48 1 p.
14 How do public organizations communicate their alliances on Facebook and how does the public react? A longitudinal analysis Lai, Chih-Hui

48 1 p.
15 “I want to create change; I want to create impact”: Personal-activism narratives of Indigenous Australian women working in public relations Clark, Treena

48 1 p.
16 Mapping networks in corporate social responsibility communication on social media: A new approach to exploring the influence of communication tactics on public responses Jiang, Yangzhi (Nicole)

48 1 p.
17 Morality rules: Understanding the role of prior reputation in consequences of scansis Wei, Lewen

48 1 p.
18 Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic in the contingency framework: Antecedents and consequences of public’s stance toward the CDC Lee, Hyunmin

48 1 p.
19 Public-private partnerships: How institutional linkages help to build organizational legitimacy in an international environment Marschlich, Sarah

48 1 p.
20 Reinforcing and challenging whiteness through crisis communication: Proposing a discourse of community repair Ashby-King, Drew T.

48 1 p.
21 The dual-continuum approach: An extension of the contingency theory of strategic conflict management Christen, Cindy T.

48 1 p.
22 The paradoxical effects of communicating CSR activities: Why CSR communication has both positive and negative effects on the perception of a company’s social responsibility Viererbl, Benno

48 1 p.
23 The role of ethical leadership in building influence: Perspectives from female public relations professionals Meng, Juan

48 1 p.
24 Unpack the relational and behavioral outcomes of internal CSR: Highlighting dialogic communication and managerial facilitation Song, Baobao

48 1 p.
25 What does learning by listening bring to citizen engagement? Lessons from a government program Canel, María José

48 1 p.
26 What drives a tough call: Determining the importance of contingency factors and individual characteristics in communication executives’ stance decision-making through a conjoint analysis Voges, Taylor S.

48 1 p.
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland