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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Computer mediation vs. dialogic communication: How media affordances affect organization-public relationship building Zhou, Alvin

48 2 p.
2 Contingency theory informs relationship management: Exploring the contingent organization-public relationships (COPR) in a crisis of Mainland China Cheng, Yang

48 2 p.
3 Deny or bolster? A comparative study of crisis communication strategies between Trump and Cuomo in COVID-19 Tian, Yu

48 2 p.
4 Dynamics between fragmentation and unity: Identity and nonprofit relationship management in the Asian American Community Ni, Lan

48 2 p.
5 Editorial Board
48 2 p.
6 Identifying a credible spokesperson for corporate social responsibility initiatives: Findings from a cross-national study Pressgrove, Geah

48 2 p.
7 It is time that matters in crisis communication: The role of temporal distance and crisis threat appraisal Kim, Sungsu

48 2 p.
8 Public relations in the new millennium: Towards a synoptic view of fifteen years of research in Public Relations Review in the 21st century (2000–2014) Elgueta-Ruiz, Alvaro

48 2 p.
9 Putting empathic feelings into words during times of crisis: The impact of differential verbal empathy expressions on organizational reputation Fannes, Gijs

48 2 p.
10 Socially stigmatized company’s CSR efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic: The effects of CSR fit and perceived motives Lee, Yoon-Joo

48 2 p.
11 Social media advocacy and gun violence: Applying the engagement model to nonprofit organizations’ communication efforts Choi, Minhee

48 2 p.
12 Social media engagement with organization-generated content: Role of visuals in enhancing public engagement with organizations on Facebook and Instagram Dhanesh, Ganga

48 2 p.
13 Social support and reputational defense strategies of Chinese social networking site users in Sun Yang’s controversy Tu, Caixie

48 2 p.
14 The state of social-mediated crisis communication research through the lens of global scholars: An updated assessment Cheng, Yang

48 2 p.
15 What counts amid contention? Measuring perceived intractable problems in public relations Capizzo, Luke

48 2 p.
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland