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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A narrative inquiry into the emotional effects of English medium instruction, language learning, and career opportunities Şahan, Özgür

75 C p.
2 Building word knowledge through integrated vocabulary explanations in ESL tutorials Duran, Derya

75 C p.
3 Commentary for “The emotional landscape of English medium instruction (EMI) in higher education” Pun, Jack

75 C p.
4 Commentary: Understanding Emotions in EMI Institutions through Attending to Context, History, and Ideology Miller, Elizabeth R.

75 C p.
5 Editorial Board
75 C p.
6 Emotion and imagination in English-medium instruction programs: Illuminating its dark side through Nepali students’ narratives Sah, Pramod K.

75 C p.
7 Engaging with readers: Students’ metalinguistic understanding of the use of pronouns in building reader-writer relationships Myhill, Debra

75 C p.
8 Forum on “The emotional landscape of English medium instruction (EMI) in higher education” Hillman, Sara

75 C p.
9 Kinetically-held questions: Representational gesture post-stroke holds in whole-class interactions in STEM Flood, Virginia J.

75 C p.
10 Linguistic shaming and emotional labour: English medium of instruction (EMI) policy enactments in Kiribati higher education Liyanage, Indika

75 C p.
11 On the development of interactional competence in L2 French: Changes over time in responsive turn beginnings in peer interactions Konzett-Firth, Carmen

75 C p.
12 Pedagogical variations of critical literacies practices in a secondary transnational education program Zhang, Zheng

75 C p.
13 “Physically I was there, but my mind had gone somewhere else”: Probing the emotional side of English-medium instruction Yuan, Rui

75 C p.
14 Sites of belonging: Fluctuating and entangled emotions at a UAE English-medium university Hopkyns, Sarah

75 C p.
15 Story-closing in PhD supervisory feedback: A conversation analytical study Ta, Binh Thanh

75 C p.
16 The emotional landscape of English medium instruction (EMI) in higher education Hillman, Sara

75 C p.
17 The social construction of authorities: An interactional ethnographic examination of positional legitimacy Edelen, Daniel

75 C p.
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland