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                             30 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accurate evaluation of second-order wave loads in direct time-domain simulations Zheng, Zhiping

168 C p.
2 Acoustic properties and attenuation of coupled shaft-submarine hull system under various excitation transfer paths Wu, Duoting

168 C p.
3 A frequency domain hybrid Green function method for seakeeping and added resistance performance of ships advancing in waves Dong, Guohua

168 C p.
4 Analysis for complex plane cracks in 1D orthorhombic quasicrystals using the singular integral equation method Sun, Di

168 C p.
5 Analysis of acoustic radiation problems involving arbitrary immersed media interfaces by the extended finite element method with Dirichlet to Neumann boundary condition Ma, Houbiao

168 C p.
6 A novel hybrid boundary element for polygonal holes with rounded corners in two-dimensional anisotropic elastic solids Hsieh, Meng-Ling

168 C p.
7 A novel method for solving the seismic response of non-horizontally layered half-space Wang, Pengnan

168 C p.
8 An unsupervised K -means machine learning algorithm via overlapping to improve the nodes selection for solving elliptic problems Soleymani, Fazlollah

168 C p.
9 A quick 3D BEM iterative algorithm for partially cavitating flows over cylindrical bodies at angles of attack Norouzi, Mehdi

168 C p.
10 Assessment of RANS turbulence models based on the cell-based smoothed finite element model for prediction of turbulent flow Liu, Mingyang

168 C p.
11 A stable localized weak strong form radial basis function method for modelling variably saturated groundwater flow induced by pumping and injection Fang, Jiayu

168 C p.
12 DAL-PINNs: Physics-informed neural networks based on D'Alembert principle for generalized electromagnetic field model computation Li, Xinheng

168 C p.
13 Deep Interface Alternation Method (DIAM) based on domain decomposition for solving elliptic interface problems Zhang, Lingxiao

168 C p.
14 Dynamic analysis of cracked thick composite shells by the Boundary Element Method Useche, J.

168 C p.
15 Dynamic analysis of fractional poroviscoelastic reinforced subgrade under moving loading Ai, Zhi Yong

168 C p.
16 Editorial Board
168 C p.
17 Exact treatment of volume constraint for RDE-based topology optimization of elastoplastic structures Cui, Yi

168 C p.
18 Explicit time-domain analysis of wave propagation in unbounded domains using the scaled boundary finite element method Kuhn, T.

168 C p.
19 Fundamentals of a null field method-surface equivalence principle approach for scattering by dielectric cylinders Kouroublakis, Minas

168 C p.
20 Gaussian smoothed particle hydrodynamics: A high-order meshfree particle method Sun, Ni

168 C p.
21 Integration of strength-reduction meshless numerical manifold method and unsupervised learning in stability analysis of heterogeneous slope Cao, Xitailang

168 C p.
22 Irregular domains: Special coordinates for a pseudospectral method Guimarães, O.

168 C p.
23 Isosurface-based marching cube algorithm for smooth geometric topology optimization within adaptive octree SBFE approach Su, Rut

168 C p.
24 Mechanical properties and failure behavior of heterogeneous granite: Insights from a new Weibull-based FDEM numerical model Deng, Penghai

168 C p.
25 Mixed node's residual descent method for hyperelastic problem analysis Dong, Tailang

168 C p.
26 On the phase-field algorithm for distinguishing connected regions in digital model Lai, Sijing

168 C p.
27 Solution of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem from photonic crystal fiber applications discretized by a boundary element method Perrussel, Ronan

168 C p.
28 Stable weight updating: A key to reliable PDE solutions using deep learning Noorizadegan, A.

168 C p.
29 The localized RBF interpolation with its modifications for solving the incompressible two-phase fluid flows: A conservative Allen–Cahn–Navier–Stokes system Mohammadi, Vahid

168 C p.
30 The periodic acoustic boundary element method for modelling sound field generated by an infinitely long periodic structure Sheng, Xiaozhen

168 C p.
                             30 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland