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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Bag1 protein loss sensitizes mouse embryonic fibroblasts to glutathione depletion Inose-Maruyama, Atsushi

29 3 p. 497-509
2 Cover and caption
29 3 p. OFC
3 Discovery and validation of a novel inhibitor of HYPE-mediated AMPylation Camara, Ali

29 3 p. 404-424
4 Eccentric muscle-damaging exercise in the heat lowers cellular stress prior to and immediately following future exertional heat exposure Dunn, Ryan A.

29 3 p. 472-482
5 Editorial Board Members/Copyright
29 3 p. i
6 Heat shock protein 72 supports extracellular matrix production in metastatic mammary tumors Lang, Benjamin J.

29 3 p. 456-471
7 Hsf1 and Hsf2 in normal, healthy human tissues: Immunohistochemistry provokes new questions Mayer, Matthias P.

29 3 p. 437-439
8 Impact of histone deacetylase inhibition and arimoclomol on heat shock protein expression and disease biomarkers in primary culture models of familial ALS Fernández Comaduran, Mario

29 3 p. 359-380
9 Involvement of oxidative stress-AMPK-Cx43-NLRP3 pathway in extracellular matrix remodeling of gastric smooth muscle cells in rats with diabetic gastroparesis Song, Baihui

29 3 p. 440-455
10 Loss of the histone chaperone UNC-85/ASF1 inhibits the epigenome-mediated longevity and modulates the activity of one-carbon metabolism Shrestha, Bideep

29 3 p. 392-403
11 Mechanisms involved in the regulation of mitochondrial quality control by PGAM5 in heart failure Wang, Yanli

29 3 p. 510-518
12 Membraneless and membrane-bound organelles in an anhydrobiotic cell line are protected from desiccation-induced damage Belott, Clinton J.

29 3 p. 425-436
13 miR-92a-3p regulates ethanol-induced apoptosis in H9c2 cardiomyocytes Meng, Yan

29 3 p. 381-391
14 Mitochondrial Chaperone Code: Just warming up Felipe Perez, R.

29 3 p. 483-496
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland