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1 |
A One-Step Procedure for Purification of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cell CD36
Greenwalt, D.E. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 72-75 4 p. |
artikel |
2 |
A Purification Method for Labile Variants of Ribonuclease T1
Mayr, L.M. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 52-58 7 p. |
artikel |
3 |
Baculovirus Expression and Purification of a Soluble, Mutant G-Protein α Subunit
Jones, T.L.Z. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 64-71 8 p. |
artikel |
4 |
Baculovirus-Mediated Expression of Rat Liver CTP:Phosphocholine Cytidylyltransferase
Macdonald, J.I.S. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 1-7 7 p. |
artikel |
5 |
Expression and Purification of the Adenovirus Proteinase Polypeptide and of a Synthetic Proteinase Substrate
Anderson, C.W. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 8-15 8 p. |
artikel |
6 |
Expression, Purification, and Functional Characterization of the DNA-Binding Domain of the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 UL9 Protein
Martinez, R. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 32-37 6 p. |
artikel |
7 |
Human Placental (Asymmetrical) Diadenosine 5′,5‴-P1 ,P 4-Tetraphosphate Hydrolase: Purification to Homogeneity and Some Properties
Lazewska, D. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 45-51 7 p. |
artikel |
8 |
Improved Procedure for a High-Yield Recovery of Enzymatically Active Recombinant Calf Chymosin from Escherichia coli Inclusion Bodies
Tichy, P.J. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 59-63 5 p. |
artikel |
9 |
Purification of Polyphosphate and ATP Glucose Phosphotransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra: Evidence That Poly(P) and ATP Glucokinase Activities Are Catalyzed by the Same Enzyme
Hsieh, P.C. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 76-84 9 p. |
artikel |
10 |
Rapid Purification of Monomer HIV-2 Tat Protein Expressed in Escherichia coli
Rhim, H.S. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 24-31 8 p. |
artikel |
11 |
Refolding of Recombinant Pneumocystis carinii Dihydrofolate Reductase and Characterization of the Enzyme
Delves, C.J. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 16-23 8 p. |
artikel |
12 |
Resolution and Quantification of Four Metallothionein Isoforms from Rabbit Kidney Cells
Wan, M. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 38-44 7 p. |
artikel |
13 |
The Nonbiotinylated Form of the 1.3 S Subunit of Transcarboxylase Binds to Avidin (Monomeric)-Agarose: Purification and Separation from the Biotinylated 1.3 S Subunit
Shenoy, B.C. |
1993 |
4 |
1 |
p. 85-94 10 p. |
artikel |