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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achieving a realistic native protein ensemble by HDX-MS and computational modeling Komives, Elizabeth A.

120 23 p. 5139-5140
2 Biochemical and rheological analysis of human colonic culture mucus reveals similarity to gut mucus Howard, R. Logan

120 23 p. 5384-5394
3 Conformational states and fluctuations in endothelial nitric oxide synthase under calmodulin regulation He, Yufan

120 23 p. 5196-5206
4 Contact pairs of RNA with magnesium ions-electrostatics beyond the Poisson-Boltzmann equation Fingerhut, Benjamin Philipp

120 23 p. 5322-5332
5 Enhancing carrier flux for efficient drug delivery in cancer tissues Arango-Restrepo, Andrés

120 23 p. 5255-5266
6 IgG1 conformational behavior: elucidation of the N-glycosylation role via molecular dynamics Saporiti, Simona

120 23 p. 5355-5370
7 Initiation and entrainment of multicellular automaticity via diffusion limited extracellular domains Poelzing, Steven

120 23 p. 5279-5294
8 Kinetic origin of nucleosome invasion by pioneer transcription factors Mondal, Anupam

120 23 p. 5219-5230
9 Left-handed cardiac looping by cell chirality is mediated by position-specific convergent extensions Honda, Hisao

120 23 p. 5371-5383
10 Linearly polarized excitation enhances signals from fluorescent voltage indicators Bloxham, Blox

120 23 p. 5333-5342
11 Local rigidification and possible coacervation of the Escherichia coli DNA by cationic nylon-3 polymers Zhu, Yanyu

120 23 p. 5243-5254
12 Modeling the native ensemble of PhuS using enhanced sampling MD and HDX-ensemble reweighting Kihn, Kyle C.

120 23 p. 5141-5157
13 Nanosecond structural dynamics of intrinsically disordered β-casein micelles by neutron spectroscopy Nakagawa, Hiroshi

120 23 p. 5408-5420
14 Peptide-induced membrane elastic deformations decelerate gramicidin dimer-monomer equilibration Kondrashov, Oleg V.

120 23 p. 5309-5321
15 Retraction Notice to: The Pathogenic A116V Mutation Enhances Ion-Selective Channel Formation by Prion Protein in Membranes Sabareesan, Ambadi Thody

120 23 p. 5421
16 ‘RNA modulation of transport properties and stability in phase-separated condensates Tejedor, Andrés R.

120 23 p. 5169-5186
17 Simulating single-cell metabolism using a stochastic flux-balance analysis algorithm Tourigny, David S.

120 23 p. 5231-5242
18 Structural and functional insights of GSU0105, a unique multiheme cytochrome from G. sulfurreducens Fernandes, Tomás M.

120 23 p. 5395-5407
19 Structure, substrate binding, and symmetry of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in its matrix-open state Montalvo-Acosta, Joel José

120 23 p. 5187-5195
20 Surface residues and nonadditive interactions stabilize a consensus homeodomain protein Sternke, Matt

120 23 p. 5267-5278
21 Surface-tethered planar membranes containing the β-barrel assembly machinery: a platform for investigating bacterial outer membrane protein folding Hall, Stephen C.L.

120 23 p. 5295-5308
22 The TAR binding dynamics and its implication in Tat degradation mechanism Ning, Shangbo

120 23 p. 5158-5168
23 The trans-to-cis proline isomerization in E. coli Trx folding is accelerated by trans prolines Napolitano, Silvia

120 23 p. 5207-5218
24 Why are large conformational changes well described by harmonic normal modes? Dehouck, Yves

120 23 p. 5343-5354
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland