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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Device and Method for Determining the Resilient and Elastic Properties of Human Cutaneous Scars Smirnova, L. M.

56 4 p. 230-233
2 A Method for Detecting Outlines and Assessing Cross-Sectional Areas of the Neck Vessels in Ultrasound Investigations Okhotnikov, S. A.

56 4 p. 264-267
3 A Method for Fluorescent Diagnosis of Malignant Cutaneous Neoplasms Using Ytterbium Phthalocyanines Stavtsev, D. D.

56 4 p. 237-241
4 A Perfusion Bioreactor for Long-Term Studies of the Dynamics of the Formation of a Tissue Equivalent Basok, Yu. B.

56 4 p. 221-224
5 Assessment of the Efficiency of a Single-Use Blood Pump in Hemolysis Tests Semenikhin, P. V.

56 4 p. 251-255
6 Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Contemporary Dental Composite Materials by a Stretching Method Maiorov, E. E.

56 4 p. 242-246
7 Development of Approaches to Creating Medical Mechatronic Hoists for Mobilization of Low-Mobility Patients Jatsun, S. M.

56 4 p. 273-277
8 History of the Development of Analog Neural Networks and Perspectives for their Use in Medical Applications in the Developments of Soviet Scientists Starodubtseva, L. V.

56 4 p. 282-285
9 Influence of the Hydrodynamic Properties of a Centrifugal Pump on the Intensity of Mechanical Hemolytic Factors Semenikhin, P. V.

56 4 p. 247-250
10 Microminiaturization of Multichannel Multifrequency Radiographs Gudkov, A. G.

56 4 p. 225-229
11 Monitoring the Biophysical Status of People with Disability in Gaze-Controlled Wheelchairs Istomina, T. V.

56 4 p. 268-272
12 Noninvasive Assessment of Blood Viscosity and Hematocrit Tsarev, O. A.

56 4 p. 260-263
13 Non-Removable Individual Retainers Made of 12Kh18N1OT Medical Steel: Multispiral Computed Tomography Data Sinegub, A. V.

56 4 p. 234-236
14 Recording Methods and the Capabilities of Modern Respiratory Rate Monitoring Devices (literature review) Varlamova, N. V.

56 4 p. 286-290
15 Studies of the Hemocompatibility of the Sputnik Ventricular Assist Device in Constant and Pulse-Modulated Operating Modes Romanova, A. N.

56 4 p. 256-259
16 The Influence of the Fill and Extrusion Factors in 3D Printing on the Electron and X-Ray Densities of Plastic Products Bushmina, E. A.

56 4 p. 278-281
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland