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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Randomised Comparison of Values and Goals, Versus Goals Only and Control, for High Nonclinical Paranoia Davies, M.

45 6 p. 1213-1221
2 Attentional Control Moderates the Relations between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Symptoms Saulnier, Kevin G.

45 6 p. 1193-1201
3 Cognitive Bias and Medication Use Moderate the Relation of Socratic Questioning and Symptom Change in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Depression Vittorio, Lisa N.

45 6 p. 1235-1245
4 Cognitive Reactivity Related to Coping Behaviors: An Assessment of Explicit and Implicit Dimensions in Clinical Depression Li, Xiao-Miao

45 6 p. 1222-1234
5 Correction to: Does Test Anxiety Predispose Poor School‑Related Wellbeing and Enhanced Risk of Emotional Disorders? Putwain, David W.

45 6 p. 1163
6 Distress Intolerance Prospectively Predicts Traumatic Intrusions Following an Experimental Trauma in a Non-clinical Sample Albanese, Brian J.

45 6 p. 1202-1212
7 Does Test Anxiety Predispose Poor School-Related Wellbeing and Enhanced Risk of Emotional Disorders? Putwain, David W.

45 6 p. 1150-1162
8 Dyadic Emotion Regulation in Women with Borderline Personality Disorder Miano, Annemarie

45 6 p. 1077-1092
9 Emotion Dysregulation within the CBT-E Model of Eating Disorders: A Narrative Review Trompeter, Nora

45 6 p. 1021-1036
10 Emotion Regulation and Repetitive Negative Thinking Before and After CBT and SSRI Treatment of Internalizing Psychopathologies Feurer, Cope

45 6 p. 1064-1076
11 Gait Patterns and Mood in Everyday Life: A Comparison Between Depressed Patients and Non-depressed Controls Adolph, Dirk

45 6 p. 1128-1140
12 Metacognitions and Obsessive Beliefs in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: A Study of Within- and Between-Person Effects on Long-Term Outcome Sunde, Tor

45 6 p. 1105-1119
13 Psychological and Physiological Effects of Imagery Rescripting for Aversive Autobiographical Memories Strohm, Miriam

45 6 p. 1093-1104
14 Reappraisal and Suppression Each Moderate the Association Between Stress and Suicidal Ideation: Preliminary Evidence From a Daily Diary Study Franz, Peter J.

45 6 p. 1120-1127
15 Rescripting Social Trauma: A Pilot Study Investigating Imagery Rescripting as an Adjunct to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Norton, Alice R.

45 6 p. 1180-1192
16 The Automaticity of Positive and Negative Thinking: A Scoping Review of Mental Habits Colvin, Eamon

45 6 p. 1037-1063
17 The Role of Emotional Memory in Reappraising Negative Self-referent Thoughts Nieto, Inés

45 6 p. 1141-1149
18 Towards a Reformulated Theory Underlying Schema Therapy: Position Paper of an International Workgroup Arntz, Arnoud

45 6 p. 1007-1020
19 Understanding the Dynamic Interaction of Maladaptive Social-Evaluative Beliefs and Social Anxiety: A Latent Change Score Model Approach Wong, Quincy J. J.

45 6 p. 1164-1179
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland