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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accelerating the multi-parameter least-squares reverse time migration using an appropriate preconditioner Farshad, Milad

25 6 p. 2071-2092
2 A pore space reconstruction method of shale based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks Zhang, Ting

25 6 p. 2149-2165
3 A spatio-temporal process visualization approach for wind features Zheng, Kun

25 6 p. 2055-2067
4 Correction to: A spatio-temporal process visualization approach for wind features Zheng, Kun

25 6 p. 2069
5 Domain decomposition and partitioning methods for mixed finite element discretizations of the Biot system of poroelasticity Jayadharan, Manu

25 6 p. 1919-1938
6 Effective viscoelastic representation of gas-hydrate bearing sediments from finite-element harmonic experiments Santos, Juan E.

25 6 p. 2005-2017
7 High performance computing of 3D reactive multiphase flow in porous media: application to geological storage of CO2 Ahusborde, Etienne

25 6 p. 2131-2147
8 Improving the computational efficiency of solving multisource 3-D airborne electromagnetic problems in complex geological media Persova, Marina G.

25 6 p. 1957-1981
9 Numerical simulation for a incompressible miscible displacement problem using a reduced-order finite element method based on POD technique Song, Junpeng

25 6 p. 2093-2108
10 Objective-sensitive principal component analysis for high-dimensional inverse problems Elizarev, Maksim

25 6 p. 2019-2031
11 Optimization of subsurface CO2 injection based on neural network surrogate modeling Sun, Zhuang

25 6 p. 1887-1898
12 Probability elicitation using geostatistics in hydrocarbon exploration Morosov, André Luís

25 6 p. 2109-2130
13 Reconstruction of fluvial reservoirs using multiple-stage concurrent generative adversarial networks Zhang, Ting

25 6 p. 1983-2004
14 Structure exploiting methods for fast uncertainty quantification in multiphase flow through heterogeneous media Cleaves, Helen

25 6 p. 2167-2189
15 Support-vector regression accelerated well location optimization: algorithm, validation, and field testing Alpak, Faruk O.

25 6 p. 2033-2054
16 Surrogate-based Bayesian comparison of computationally expensive models: application to microbially induced calcite precipitation Scheurer, Stefania

25 6 p. 1899-1917
17 Well placement optimization using shuffled frog leaping algorithm Sharifipour, Milad

25 6 p. 1939-1956
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland