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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive control synthesis for a chua circuit by the velocity gradient method Markov, A. Yu.

33 2 p. 251-258
2 Analytical representation of perturbations of pseudoinverse matrices Kirichenko, N. F.

33 2 p. 230-238
3 Another representation of finite transducers over real numbers Lisovik, L. P.

33 2 p. 171-176
4 Combinatorial solution of the partition problem for a discrete set Stiranka, A. I.

33 2 p. 195-202
5 Critical points of some classes of multivalued mappings Mel’nik, V. S.

33 2 p. 220-229
6 Decompression control system and its mathematical analysis Onopchuk, G. Yu.

33 2 p. 239-250
7 Dynamic parallelization of computations Khalilov, A. I.

33 2 p. 162-167
8 Fora–a system for generation of alternative decisions using a multicriterion linear programming model Plish, V. E.

33 2 p. 274-278
9 Linear morphisms in a topos Provotar, A. I.

33 2 p. 155-161
10 Objects in algebraic programming system Letichevskii, A. A.

33 2 p. 283-299
11 Turnpike theorems in an integral dynamic model of economic renovation Khritonenko, N. V.

33 2 p. 259-273
12 Using neural growing networks for identification and classification of oncological test samples Vishnevskii, V. V.

33 2 p. 300-303
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland