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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Algorithm of neural classification by observations from a mixture with variable concentrations Kravets, T. V.

34 6 p. 905-912
2 Analysis and synthesis of discrete control systems under conditions of nonstochastic uncertainty Kuntsevich, A. V.

34 6 p. 828-833
3 Exact upper estimate of the distribution function of the time to a break of the restoration process with an exponentially distributed component Shpak, V. D.

34 6 p. 822-827
4 On one class of extremum problems for nonlinear operator systems Mel’nik, V. S.

34 6 p. 894-904
5 Principles of construction of systems for optimal control of technological multiple-factor processes of crystallization of multicomponent solutions Bogorosh, A. T.

34 6 p. 933-938
6 Search for the optimal mode of electrical stimulation of cardiac tissue Dzemida, G.

34 6 p. 870-878
7 Separable resolution method for checking the satisfiability of formulas in the languageL Chebotarev, A. N.

34 6 p. 794-799
8 Vertical processing of integer group-data streams. II. Application to binary arithmetic operations Romm, Ya. E.

34 6 p. 918-932
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland