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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive Computer Technologies for Solving Problems of Computational and Applied Mathematics Khimich, O. M.

57 6 p. 990-997
2 Adaptive Two-Stage Bregman Method for Variational Inequalities Semenov, V. V.

57 6 p. 959-967
3 Algorithmic Support for the Management of the Computer-Aided Design of Flexible Manufacture System and its Equipment Mammadov, J.

57 6 p. 950-958
4 Algorithms for Solving Linear Equations over Associative Rings with Unit Element Kryvyi, S.

57 6 p. 843-852
5 Approach to Assessing the Stability of Ranking Alternatives Obtained By Alanytic Hierarchy Process Romanchenko, I. S.

57 6 p. 889-895
6 Approximate Optimal Controller for Weakly Nonlinear Evolutionary Equation of Parabolic Type Gorban, N. V.

57 6 p. 883-888
7 Block-Cyclic Structuring of the Basis of Fourier Transforms Based on Cyclic Substitution Prots’ko, I.

57 6 p. 1008-1016
8 Computer Simulation System for Nonlinear Processes Described By the Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers Equation Hariachevska, I. V.

57 6 p. 998-1007
9 Constructing the Adaptive Algorithms for Solving Multi-Wave Problems Kaliukh, Iu.

57 6 p. 938-949
10 Evaluating the Informativity of a Training Sample for Image Classification by Deep Learning Methods Rusyn, B. P.

57 6 p. 853-863
11 Identifying the Structure of Soil Massifs by Numerical Quasiconformal Mapping Methods Bomba, A. Ya.

57 6 p. 927-937
12 Inflation Targeting Model in Macroeconomics Iefymenko, T. I.

57 6 p. 968-977
13 Mathematical Modeling of Quadratically Nonlinear Spatially Distributed Systems. II. The Case of Continuously Defined Initial–Boundary External-Dynamic Perturbations Stoyan, V. A.

57 6 p. 906-917
14 Modeling of Information Dissemination Processes Based on Diffusion Equations with Fuzzy Time Accounting Ivohin, E. V.

57 6 p. 896-905
15 On a Descriptor Pursuit Game* Vlasenko, L. A.

57 6 p. 874-882
16 Riemann Integral Operator for Stationary and Non-Stationary Processes Alexandrovich, I. M.

57 6 p. 918-926
17 Sparse Balanced Layout of Ellipsoids* Stoyan, Y. G.

57 6 p. 864-873
18 Technology Foresight Model Based on Fuzzy Logic Kupchyn, A.

57 6 p. 978-989
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland