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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A New Method of Reliability Optimization in the Classical Problem Statement Pepelyaev, V. A.

58 6 p. 917-922
2 Application of Decomposition Algorithms to Accelerate the Processing of Large Data Arrays in the GIS Kotuliak, I.

58 6 p. 945-951
3 Decidability of NP-Complete Problems Vagis, A. A.

58 6 p. 914-916
4 Decomposition Method for Calculating the Weights of a Binary Neural Network Litvinenko, A.

58 6 p. 889-897
5 Fourier Transform of the Summatory Abel–Poisson Function Zhyhallo, T. V.

58 6 p. 957-965
6 Impacting Equilibrium States by Technologies and Conflict Factors Gorbachuk, V.

58 6 p. 923-934
7 Information Technology for a Proctor to Detect Violations during the Exam Muratuly, D.

58 6 p. 983-990
8 Interior-Point Algorithms: Creation History, Research Results, Applications, and Prospects* Belykh, T. V.

58 6 p. 977-982
9 Mathematical Modeling of the Functioning of Conditioned Reflexes Pisarenko, V. G.

58 6 p. 1021-1026
10 Method for Identification of Digital Video Recording Equipment and Digital Cameras Solovyov, V. I.

58 6 p. 876-881
11 Minimax Deviation Strategies for Machine Learning and Recognition with Short Learning Samples Schlesinger, M. I.

58 6 p. 862-875
12 Modifications of the Pontryagin Conditions in the Problem of Approach of Conflict-Controlled Objects Chikrii, A. A

58 6 p. 935-944
13 Modifications of the Two-Stage Transportation Problem and Their Applications* Stetsyuk, P. I.

58 6 p. 898-913
14 Parallel Methods of Representing Multidigit Numbers in Numeral Systems for Testing Multidigit Arithmetic Operations Zadiraka, V. K.

58 6 p. 991-1007
15 Problem of Groupage Cargo Routing in the Multicommodity Transport Network with Given Tariffs and Delivery Time Constraints Vasyanin, V. A.

58 6 p. 966-976
16 Reviewing Deep Learning Methods in the Applied Problems of Economic Monitoring Based on Geospatial Data Lavreniuk, M.

58 6 p. 1008-1020
17 Special Properties of the Point Addition Law for Non-Cyclic Edwards Curves Bessalov, A. V.

58 6 p. 851-861
18 Technology of Autonomous Take-Off and Landing for the Modern Flight and Navigation Complex of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Volkov, O.

58 6 p. 882-888
19 The Cauchy Problem for a Stochastic Parabolic Equation with an Argument Deviation Perun, G.

58 6 p. 952-956
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland