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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Electronic deactivation and energy transfer in doped oligophenylenevinylene nanoparticles Gierschner, J.

8 1 p. 37-44
2 Fluorescence of organic dyes in lipid membranes: Site of solubilization and effects of viscosity and refractive index on lifetimes Krishna, M. M. G.

8 1 p. 81-91
3 Fluorescence probes as molecular weight detectors of polymers Al-Hassan, K. A.

8 1 p. 93-100
4 Fluorescence spectroscopy of potential electroluminescent materials: Substituent effects on DSB and segmented PPV derivatives Birckner, E.

8 1 p. 73-80
5 Fluorescence study of the core/shell interface in polyelectrolyte micelles. Binding of fluorescent surfactants in the interfacial region Krijtová, KateŘina

8 1 p. 21-25
6 Fluorescent molecular rotors with specific hydrophilic functions: Glucosamine and inositol derivatives Carré, M. C.

8 1 p. 53-57
7 Ground-state complex formation of perylene with pyromellitic dianhydride studied by static fluorescence quenching Gebert, Horst

8 1 p. 67-72
8 Hot electron-induced electrogenerated chemiluminescence of rare earth(III) chelates at oxide-covered aluminum electrodes Kulmala, S.

8 1 p. 59-65
9 New fluorimetric reagents, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium trimetaphosphate, and sodium tetrametaphosphate, for the determination of cerium(III) Rakicioğlu, Yener

8 1 p. 45-52
10 Preface Seifert, Holger

8 1 p. 35
11 Probing the relation between protein structure and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence using superrepressor mutants of thetrp repressor Vangala, Shyam

8 1 p. 1-11
12 Quantification of fluorescent molecules in heterogeneous media by use of the fluorescence decay amplitude analysis Dobretsov, G. E.

8 1 p. 27-34
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland