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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Change of the Composition of Solution During Its Migration Through the Sedimentary Cover in the Modern Hydrothermal System Center (Juan de Fuca Ridge, Pacific Ocean, ODP Hole 858B) Kurnosov, V. B.

59 2 p. 136-150
2 2D Seismic Interpretation of Compressional Regime of the Dohdak Concession and Source Rock Assessment of the Early Cretaceous Sembar Formation; a Case Study from Central Indus Basin, Pakistan Khan, Ashar

59 2 p. 234-246
3 (Fe–Ca–Al)-Phosphate Mineralization Enriched with Rare Earth Elements in Sediments of the Middle Jurassic Paleovalley (Shankinka Ore Occurrence, Moscow Region, Central Part of the Russian Plate) Novikov, I. A.

59 2 p. 188-205
4 Genesis of Manganese Ores of the Kvirila Deposit, Georgia: Evidence from Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Composition and Rare Earth Element Geochemistry Kuleshov, V. N.

59 2 p. 151-167
5 Lithological and Mineralogical Characteristics of Bottom Sediments in Ice-Scoured Areas in the Southwestern Kara Sea Sukhikh, E. A.

59 2 p. 117-135
6 Structure, Rock Types, and Reservoir Properties of Altered Permian–Triassic Rhyodacites in Grabens of the Frolov Megadepression in Western Siberia Smirnova, M. E.

59 2 p. 206-233
7 Thermic Environment and Thermal Evolution of the Sedimentary Cover in the Astrakhan Oil-and-Gas Province Khutorskoy, M. D.

59 2 p. 168-187
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland