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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Lithogeochemistry of Upper Precambrian Terrigenous Rocks in Belarus: Communication 1. Bulk Chemical Composition, General Features, and Anomalies Maslov, A. V.

59 4 p. 357-380
2 Lithology and Sedimentation Conditions of the Latest Cretaceous in the Klementyev Mountain Section (Eastern Crimea) Korshunov, D. M.

59 4 p. 441-461
3 Lithology, Source Areas, and Formation Settings of the Upper Triassic Deposits of Southwestern Primorye Malinovsky, A. I.

59 4 p. 390-408
4 Manifestations of the Early Oligocene Solenovian Crisis on the Northern Shelf of the Eastern Paratethys Patina, I. S.

59 4 p. 381-389
5 New Industrial Genetic Type of the Ediacaran Aphanitic Phosphorite Deposits Georgievskiy, A. F.

59 4 p. 462-478
6 Rare Earth Elements in Iron Oxyhydroxides from Biofilms Containing the Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria Felitsyn, S. B.

59 4 p. 409-416
7 Unusual Mineralization in Basaltic Andesites of the Submarine Esmeralda Volcano (Mariana Island Arc) Rashidov, V. A.

59 4 p. 417-440
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland