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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A class of discrete dynamical systems with properties of both cellular automata and L-systems Edwards, Roderick

19 3 p. 609-641
2 A novel context-free grammar for the generation of PSO algorithms Miranda, Péricles B. C.

19 3 p. 495-513
3 A pattern-driven solution for designing multi-objective evolutionary algorithms Guizzo, Giovani

19 3 p. 481-494
4 A proposal for tuning the α parameter in CαC-integrals for application in fuzzy rule-based classification systems Lucca, Giancarlo

19 3 p. 533-546
5 A proposal of quantum data representation to improve the discrimination power Sousa, Rosilda B. de

19 3 p. 577-591
6 Molecular computing for Markov chains Zhang, Chuan

19 3 p. 593-608
7 Population-based bio-inspired algorithms for cluster ensembles optimization Canuto, Anne

19 3 p. 515-532
8 Preface Pozo, Aurora

19 3 p. 477-479
9 Swarm optimization clustering methods for opinion mining Souza, Ellen

19 3 p. 547-575
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland