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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Features of the Invariant Correlation Filter Application for Recognition of Color Subpixel Images Goncharov, D. S.

63 8 p. 605-611
2 Holographic Study of Surface Relief Using a Shear Interferometer Ismailov, Sh. M.

63 8 p. 571-581
3 Influence of Spatial Losses of the Signal Detected by a Single-Pixel Detector on the Quality of Object Image Reconstruction Kulakov, M. N.

63 8 p. 582-591
4 On Designing the Electron-Optical System of a Multibarrel Gyrotron Zapevalov, V. E.

63 8 p. 634-642
5 Spatial Selectivity of the Four-Wave Radiation Converter with Allowance for Gravity Acting on Nanoparticles Dissolved in a Transparent Liquid Savelyev, M. V.

63 8 p. 625-633
6 Speckle Dynamics in the Image Plane of a Monolayer of Cultured Cells Mikhailenko, Y. A.

63 8 p. 612-624
7 Speckle Tomography of the Living-Cell Functions Vladimirov, A. P.

63 8 p. 592-604
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland