nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
An efficient pathway for Li6 isotope enrichment
Saleem, M. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 723-726 |
artikel |
2 |
Broadband infrared luminescence from transparent glass–ceramics containing Ni2+-doped β-Ga2O3 nanocrystals
Wu, B. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 697-699 |
artikel |
3 |
Controlling mode locking in optical ring cavities
Krenz, G. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 643-647 |
artikel |
4 |
Detection of acetylene by electronic resonance-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
Chai, N. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 731-737 |
artikel |
5 |
Effective generation of red-green-blue laser in a two-dimensional decagonal photonic superlattice
Sheng, Y. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 603-606 |
artikel |
6 |
Growth and laser properties of Nd3+:Sr6YSc(BO3)6 crystal
Lin, Zhoubin |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 701-705 |
artikel |
7 |
Influence of nonlinear dispersion on modulation instability of coherent and partially coherent ultrashort pulses in metamaterials
Zhuo, H. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 635-641 |
artikel |
8 |
Locking of the longitudinal modes of an SBS-laser oscillator by optical feedback
Kappe, P. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 665-669 |
artikel |
9 |
Long range trace detection in aqueous aerosol using remote filament-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Daigle, J.-F. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 749-754 |
artikel |
10 |
Measurement of gradient refractive index profile of crystalline lens of fisheye in vivo using optical coherence tomography
Verma, Y. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 607-610 |
artikel |
11 |
Mode-locked and Q-switched laser operation of the Yb-doped Li6Y(BO3)3 crystal
Delaigue, M. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 693-696 |
artikel |
12 |
Negative thermo-optical coefficients and athermal directions in monoclinic KGd(WO4)2 and KY(WO4)2 laser host crystals in the visible region
Filippov, V.V. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 611-614 |
artikel |
13 |
Non-collinear nanosecond optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled LN with tilted domain walls
Liang, X. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 649-653 |
artikel |
14 |
Numerical simulation of soot optical diagnostics in non-optically thin media
Chen, L.H. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 739-747 |
artikel |
15 |
Numerical simulations for performance optimization of a few-cycle terawatt NOPCPA system
Witte, S. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 677-684 |
artikel |
16 |
Polarization characteristics of a light-emitting polymer microring laser
Wang, J. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 685-691 |
artikel |
17 |
Quantum dot saturable absorber for passive mode locking of Nd:YVO4 lasers at 1064 nm
Scurtescu, C. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 671-675 |
artikel |
18 |
Repetitive highly collimated intense proton beam with sub-MeV energy range driven by a compact few terawatt femtosecond laser
Nishiuchi, M. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 615-621 |
artikel |
19 |
Simultaneous visual detection of pulse chirp and temporal asymmetry in ultrashort laser pulses using analysis of unbalanced interferometric correlation envelope (ICE) functions
Sharma, A.K. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 655-663 |
artikel |
20 |
Spectral broadening and pulse duration reduction during cross-polarized wave generation: influence of the quadratic spectral phase
Jullien, A. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 595-601 |
artikel |
21 |
Spectroscopic properties of neodymium doped high silica glass and aluminum codoping effects on the enhancement of fluorescence emission
Qiao, Y. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 717-722 |
artikel |
22 |
Study of resonance Raman cross section of aqueous β-carotene at low concentrations
Tian, Yan-Jie |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 727-730 |
artikel |
23 |
The dependence of the Fe Kα yield on the chirp of the femtosecond exciting laser pulse
Silies, M. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 623-627 |
artikel |
24 |
The passive optically pumped Rb frequency standard: the laser approach
Vanier, J. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 565-593 |
artikel |
25 |
Thulium doped monoclinic KLu(WO4)2 single crystals: growth and spectroscopy
Silvestre, O. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 707-716 |
artikel |
26 |
Tunable mid-infrared, high-energy femtosecond laser source for glyco-protein structure analysis
Imahoko, T. |
2007 |
87 |
4 |
p. 629-634 |
artikel |