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                             32 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An iPad-based intervention to improve visual-motor, visual-attention, and visual-perceptual skills in children with surgically treated hydrocephalus: A pilot study Harpster, Karen

38 2 p. 303-310
2 A surgical case of pediatric spinal medulloepithelioma Nakamura, Kazuki

38 2 p. 473-477
3 Brachytherapy in paediatric craniopharyngiomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis of recent literature Guimarães, M. Mazzuia

38 2 p. 253-262
4 Cerebrospinal fluid velocity changes of idiopathic scoliosis: a preliminary study on 3-T PC-MRI and 3D-SPACE-VFAM data Algin, O.

38 2 p. 379-386
5 Choroid plexus cyst causing acute hydrocephalus and transtentorial herniation: report of a rare case and its successful neuroendoscopic treatment Basilotta Marquez, Yamila

38 2 p. 435-439
6 Comparative anatomy of dissected optic lobes, optic ventricles, midbrain tectum, collicular ventricles, and aqueduct: evolutionary modifications as potential explanation for non-tumoral aqueductal anomalies in humans Kier, E. Leon

38 2 p. 287-294
7 Correction to: Subarachnomegaly—venous congestion of infancy Sainz, Laura V.

38 2 p. 491
8 Diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor without KIAA1549-BRAF fusion and 1p detection: a case report and review of literature Cheng, Weiqin

38 2 p. 279-285
9 Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in children with chronic communicating congenital hydrocephalus: a single-center cohort retrospective analysis Baeza-Antón, Laura

38 2 p. 319-331
10 Epidemiologic profile and outcome of primary pediatric brain tumors in Iran: retrospective study and literature review Khayat Kashani, Hamid Reza

38 2 p. 353-360
11 Feasibility of intraoperative motor evoked potential monitoring during tethered cord surgery in infants younger than 12 months Herta, Johannes

38 2 p. 397-405
12 Fulminant non-infectious peri-electrode edema after deep brain stimulation system implantation in a pediatric patient Domino, Joseph S.

38 2 p. 447-454
13 Global and intertuberal epileptic networks in tuberous sclerosis based on stereoelectroencephalographic (sEEG) findings: a quantitative EEG analysis in pediatric subjects and surgical implications Alexander, H.

38 2 p. 407-419
14 Glomus jugulare in a pediatric patient: case report and literature review de Souza, Stephanie Naomi Funo

38 2 p. 269-277
15 Gorham Stout disease of the temporal bone with cerebrospinal fluid leak Aouad, Pascale

38 2 p. 455-460
16 High-resistance proximal “scaled” ventricular catheters Qi, David

38 2 p. 333-341
17 Hypophosphatasia and cleidocranial dysplasia—a case report and review of the literature: the role of the neurosurgeon Blionas, Alexandros

38 2 p. 461-464
18 Long-term survival of an adolescent glioblastoma patient under treatment with vinblastine and valproic acid illustrates importance of methylation profiling Kresbach, Catena

38 2 p. 479-483
19 Malignant cerebral infarction associated with COVID-19 in a child Scala, Maria Rosaria

38 2 p. 441-445
20 Occult tethered cord syndrome: a rare, treatable condition Yang, Jeyul

38 2 p. 387-395
21 Pediatric cervical kyphosis in the MRI era (1984–2008) with long-term follow up: literature review Menezes, Arnold H.

38 2 p. 361-377
22 Postoperative hydrocephalus management may cause delays in adjuvant treatment following paediatric posterior fossa tumour resection: a multicentre retrospective observational study Ben Zvi, Ido

38 2 p. 311-317
23 Pre-operative embolization for staged treatment of infantile choroid plexus papilloma Mangham, William M.

38 2 p. 429-433
24 Recurrent Wnt medulloblastoma treated with marrow-ablative chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic progenitor cell rescue: a dual case report and review of the literature Harris, Micah K.

38 2 p. 465-472
25 Robot-assisted stereoelectroencephalography in young children: technical challenges and considerations Boop, Scott

38 2 p. 263-267
26 Serum troponin I: a potential biomarker of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in term newborns Xu, Zhen-E

38 2 p. 295-301
27 Severe anemia causing deep cerebral venous thrombosis in a child: a cause lest be forgotten Narra, Ramakrishna

38 2 p. 237-238
28 Single-center experience with endovascular treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with intent to cure in pediatric patients Rodriguez-Calienes, Aaron

38 2 p. 343-351
29 The management of elevated intracranial pressure and sinus vein thrombosis associated with mastoiditis: the experience of eighteen patients Havalı, Cengiz

38 2 p. 421-428
30 The role of blood product removal in intraventricular hemorrhage of prematurity: a meta-analysis of the clinical evidence Kandula, Viswajit

38 2 p. 239-252
31 Tomisaku Kawasaki and Kawasaki disease Yale, Steven H.

38 2 p. 233-235
32 Traumatic retroclival epidural hematoma associated with reversible ipsilateral internal carotid artery stenosis Shojima, Hirotaka

38 2 p. 485-489
                             32 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland