no |
title |
author |
magazine |
year |
volume |
issue |
page(s) |
type |
1 |
Aktuelle Gesetzgebung im Gesundheitswesen 2015/2016 - Current legislation in the healthcare system 2015/2016
Martenstein, I. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 245-250 |
article |
2 |
Calcaneusnagel C-Nail - Calcaneal nail C-nail
Amlang, M. H. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 239-244 |
article |
3 |
Epidemiologie multiresistenter Erreger bei Auslandsreisenden - Epidemiology of multidrug-resistant organisms in travellers
Seifert, J. |
2014 |
119 |
3 |
p. 217-224 |
article |
4 |
Neue Techniken in der operativen Versorgung von Calcaneusfrakturen - New techniques in the operative treatment of calcaneal fractures
Rammelt, S. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 225-238 |
article |
5 |
Kurth, A. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 174-175 |
article |
6 |
Penetrierende Stichverletzung des lumbalen Rückenmarks bei einem Kind - Penetrating stab injury to the lumbar spinal cord in a child
Scheiderer, B. |
2015 |
119 |
3 |
p. 251-254 |
article |
7 |
Periprothetische Frakturen nach Hüft- und Knietotalendoprothesenimplantation - Periprosthetic fractures following total hip and knee arthroplasty
Fuchs, M. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 185-193 |
article |
8 |
Periprothetische Frakturen Teil 1
Biberthaler, P. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 176 |
article |
9 |
Prinzipien des Managements periprothetischer Frakturen - Principles of management of periprosthetic fractures
Röderer, G. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 177-184 |
article |
10 |
Rehabilitation nach periprothetischen Frakturen - Rehabilitation after periprosthetic fractures
Schmitt-Sody, M. |
2016 |
119 |
3 |
p. 194-201 |
article |
11 |
Rehabilitation von Schwerverletzten in Deutschland - Rehabilitation of multiple injured patients in Germany
Debus, F. |
2014 |
119 |
3 |
p. 209-216 |
article |
12 |
Retrospektive Berechnung des ISS bei polytraumatisierten Patienten - Retrospective computation of the ISS in multiple trauma patients
Bogner, V. |
2015 |
119 |
3 |
p. 202-208 |
article |
13 |
Thrombose der V. subclavia bei konservativ therapierter Klavikulaschaftfraktur - Thrombosis of the subclavian vein after conservative treatment of a clavicular fracture
Ranke, H. |
2015 |
119 |
3 |
p. 255-258 |
article |