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1 |
An integrated transcriptome and metabolome approach reveals the accumulation of taste-related metabolites and gene regulatory networks during watermelon fruit development
Gong, Chengsheng |
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Apoplasmic barrier in the extrafloral nectary of Citharexylum myrianthum (Verbenaceae)
Machado, Silvia Rodrigues |
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3 |
Assembly of the complete mitochondrial genome of an endemic plant, Scutellaria tsinyunensis, revealed the existence of two conformations generated by a repeat-mediated recombination
Li, Jingling |
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4 |
Biochemical composition of selected lines from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) landraces
Kardeş, Yusuf M. |
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5 |
Characterization of expansin genes and their transcriptional regulation by histone modifications in strawberry
Mu, Qin |
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6 |
Contribution of strigolactone in plant physiology, hormonal interaction and abiotic stresses
Bhoi, Anita |
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7 |
Ectopic expression of cDNAs from larkspur (Consolida ajacis) for increased synthesis of gondoic acid (cis-11 eicosenoic acid) and its positional redistribution in seed triacylglycerol of Camelina sativa
Sarvas, Carlene |
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8 |
Elevation of GhDREB1B transcription by a copy number variant significantly improves chilling tolerance in cotton
Wang, Yanan |
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9 |
Enhancing artemisinin content in and delivery from Artemisia annua: a review of alternative, classical, and transgenic approaches
Wani, Kaiser Iqbal |
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10 |
Exogenous Ca2+ enhances antioxidant defense in rice to simulated acid rain by regulating ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase
Ma, Yongjia |
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11 |
Identification of microRNAs and their target genes related to needle discoloration of evergreen tree Chinese cedar (Cryptomeria fortunei) in cold winters
Zhang, Yingting |
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12 |
Improved cotton transformation protocol mediated by Agrobacterium and biolistic combined-methods
Ribeiro, Thuanne Pires |
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13 |
Integrated transcriptome and miRNA sequencing approaches provide insights into salt tolerance in allotriploid Populus cathayana
Qiu, Tong |
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14 |
Localised expression of OsIAA29 suggests a key role for auxin in regulating development of the dorsal aleurone of early rice grains
Basunia, Mafroz A. |
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15 |
Manifestation of apomictic potentials in the line AS-3 of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench
Belyaeva, Elena V. |
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16 |
Manipulation of DXP pathway for andrographolide production in callus cultures of Andrographis paniculata
Das, Debalina |
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17 |
Molecular self-organization of wood lignin–carbohydrate matrix
Bogolitsyn, Konstantin G. |
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18 |
Plastome evolution in the Caesalpinia group (Leguminosae) and its application in phylogenomics and populations genetics
Aecyo, Paulo |
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19 |
Sorghum under saline conditions: responses, tolerance mechanisms, and management strategies
Mansour, Mohamed Magdy Fahim |
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20 |
The downregulation of PpPG21 and PpPG22 influences peach fruit texture and softening
Qian, Ming |
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21 |
The enhanced phosphorus use efficiency in phosphate-deficient and mycorrhiza-inoculated barley seedlings involves activation of different sets of PHT1 transporters in roots
Srivastava, Rajat |
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22 |
Transcriptome analysis identifies putative genes involved in triterpenoid biosynthesis in Platycodon grandiflorus
Yu, Hanwen |
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23 |
Transcriptome sequencing analysis of sorghum callus with various regeneration capacities
Zhou, Chao |
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24 |
Truncated hemoglobin 2 modulates phosphorus deficiency response by controlling of gene expression in nitric oxide-dependent pathway in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Grinko, Alexandra |
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