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1 |
A maize leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase mediates responses to fungal attack
Block, Anna K. |
254 |
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2 |
CRISPR/Cas9 technology for improving agronomic traits and future prospective in agriculture
Rao, Muhammad Junaid |
254 |
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3 |
Effect of nitrogen supply on stay-green sorghum in differing post-flowering water regimes
Hou, Xiaobo |
254 |
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4 |
Exploring the GRAS gene family in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): characterization, evolutionary relationships, and expression analyses in response to abiotic stresses
Laskar, Parbej |
254 |
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5 |
Functional analysis of indole 3-hexanoic acid as a novel auxin from Arabidopsis thaliana
Song, Ping |
254 |
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6 |
Genome-wide analysis and characterization of R2R3-MYB family in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and their functional identification in phenylpropanoids biosynthesis
Yang, Jie |
254 |
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7 |
Genome-wide analysis of the bZIP gene lineage in apple and functional analysis of MhABF in Malushalliana
Wang, Shuangcheng |
254 |
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8 |
Genome-wide prediction of cauliflower miRNAs and lncRNAs and their roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation
Chowdhury, Moumita Roy |
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9 |
Identification of BR biosynthesis genes in cotton reveals that GhCPD-3 restores BR biosynthesis and mediates plant growth and development
Liu, Le |
254 |
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10 |
Involvement of the auxin–cytokinin homeostasis in adventitious root formation of rose cuttings as affected by their nodal position in the stock plant
Otiende, Millicent A. |
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11 |
iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of rice formyl tetrahydrofolate deformylase in salt response
Xiong, Erhui |
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12 |
Large-scale gene gains and losses molded the NLR defense arsenal during the Cucurbita evolution
Andolfo, Giuseppe |
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13 |
Maize biochemistry in response to root herbivory was mediated by domestication, spread, and breeding
Fontes-Puebla, Ana A. |
254 |
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14 |
Nanotechnology advances for sustainable agriculture: current knowledge and prospects in plant growth modulation and nutrition
Fincheira, Paola |
254 |
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15 |
Perspectives on new opportunities for nano-enabled strategies for gene delivery to plants using nanoporous materials
Niazian, Mohsen |
254 |
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16 |
Phylogeny and subcellular localization analyses reveal distinctions in monocot and eudicot class IV acyl-CoA-binding proteins
Jiang, Xue |
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17 |
Physiology and whole-plant carbon partitioning during stem sugar accumulation in sweet dwarf sorghum
Babst, Benjamin A. |
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18 |
Preanthesis changes in freeze resistance, relative water content, and ovary growth preempt bud phenology and signify dormancy release of sour cherry floral buds
Hillmann, Laura |
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19 |
Rice histone deacetylase HDA704 positively regulates drought and salt tolerance by controlling stomatal aperture and density
Zhao, Jinhui |
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20 |
SbCASP4 improves salt exclusion by enhancing the root apoplastic barrier
Wei, Xiaocen |
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21 |
Screening and identification of salt-tolerance genes in Sophora alopecuroides and functional verification of SaAQP
Zhu, Youcheng |
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22 |
Transcriptome sequencing reveals terpene biosynthesis pathway genes accounting for volatile terpene of tree peony
Li, Rongchen |
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