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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Design of training sequence based on IQ imbalance estimation in CO-OFDM system Chen, Yu

19 8 p. 476-480
2 Discrimination of maleic hydrazide polymorphs using terahertz spectroscopy and density functional theory Zheng, Zhuanping

19 8 p. 493-497
3 Image analysis considering textual correlations enables accurate user switching tendency prediction Wang, Jianbin

19 8 p. 498-505
4 Investigation on switchable operation states in a Tm/Ho co-doped fiber laser based on nonlinear optical loop mirror Wang, Xiaofa

19 8 p. 455-461
5 Lattice vibration, optical, and mechanical properties of aluminum phosphide (AlP) compound under the influence of temperature Al Maaitah, Ibtisam F.

19 8 p. 472-475
6 Measurement of absolute three-dimensional displacement gradients using tri-color quad-beam digital shearography Li, Xuan

19 8 p. 487-492
7 Particle motion trajectory tracking based on fiber optic tweezers Zhao, Cun

19 8 p. 462-467
8 Research on EEG emotion recognition based on CNN+BiLSTM+self-attention model Li, Xueqing

19 8 p. 506-512
9 Research on wavelength conversion of triangular pulses with variable symmetry based on SPM effect Yuan, Jin

19 8 p. 449-454
10 Simulations of ultra-high sensitivity RI sensor in triple-core fiber with modified Vernier effect: Application in marine RI measurement Xiong, Lingyi

19 8 p. 481-486
11 Thermal radiation effect in near infrared single photon detector Li, Bin

19 8 p. 468-471
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland