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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Approximate fixed-ρ solution of ‘sea-quark’ evolution equation at small-x and HERA Saikia, A

50 4 p. 315-321
2 Correlation between zeroes and poles ofS matrix for complex potentials Jamir, I

50 4 p. 271-280
3 Frictional trajectories near a barrier: A dissipationless Newtonian approach Menon, V J

50 4 p. 333-343
4 On the construction of an extended thermodynamic framework for irreversible processes Bhalekar, Anil A

50 4 p. 295-305
5 Orthogonal interaction of bernstein mode with ion-acoustic wave through plasma maser effect Deka, P N

50 4 p. 345-354
6 Schwarzschild black hole with global monopole charge Dadhich, Naresh

50 4 p. 307-314
7 Universal inaccessibility principle Bhalekar, Anil A

50 4 p. 281-294
8 Weak radiative decay Λb→Λγ in the heavy quark effective theory Giri, A K

50 4 p. 323-331
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland