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                             65 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A critical productivity equation of horizontal wells in a bottom water drive reservoir with low-permeability interbeds Fu, Yu

12 24 p. 1-5
2 Adsorption of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions on waste coffee residues: sorption kinetics, equilibrium isotherms, and thermodynamic parameters Sadok, Hamdi

12 24 p. 1-10
3 A novel early-warning method for atypical outbursts disasters in mines: extraction of indexes from gas concentration data for the early warning of atypical outbursts Dong, Guowei

12 24 p. 1-12
4 Artificial recharge to groundwater using geospatial and groundwater modelling techniques in North Western Himalaya, India Jasrotia, Avtar Singh

12 24 p. 1-23
5 Assessment of prediction performances of stochastic and conceptual hydrological models: monthly stream flow prediction in northwestern Algeria Boulariah, Ouafik

12 24 p. 1-14
6 Assessment of water inrush risk based on the groundwater modeling system—a case study in the Jiaojia Gold Mine Area, China Shi, Longqing

12 24 p. 1-17
7 Assessment of weather variability over Safaga harbour, Egypt Tonbol, Kareem M.

12 24 p. 1-8
8 Characteristics and sedimentary model of a reticular shallow-water delta with distributary channels: lower member of the Neogene Minghuazhen Formation in the Bozhong area of the Huanghekou Sag, China Wang, Meng-Qi

12 24 p. 1-21
9 Characterization of Semnan thermal springs using principal component analysis and geochemical inverse modeling Karimi, Soraya

12 24 p. 1-21
10 Combining geology, hydrogeology and groundwater flow for the assessment of groundwater in the Zahrez Basin, Algeria Bouteldjaoui, Fatah

12 24 p. 1-17
11 Comparative study of the implementation of environmental policies to combat desertification in Kuwait and the Hotan Region of China You, Yuan

12 24 p. 1-9
12 Comparison of the holiday climate index (HCI) and the tourism climate index (TCI) in desert regions and Makran coasts of Iran Hejazizadeh, Zahra

12 24 p. 1-13
13 Correction to: Late Holocene palaeovegetational and environmental changes inferred from organic geochemical proxies in sediments from Pookot Lake, southern India Kizhur, Sandeep

12 24 p. 1-2
14 Detection of a thin layer by seismic reflection with different geophones at a site in Liangzhu, Southeastern China Lizan, Abdullah

12 24 p. 1-9
15 Effect of variable elastic foundations on static behavior of functionally graded plates using sinusoidal shear deformation Nebab, Mokhtar

12 24 p. 1-16
16 Effects of particle size and adsorption pressure on methane gas desorption and diffusion in coal Li, Xiangchun

12 24 p. 1-17
17 Estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of pyroclastic rocks (Cappadocia, Turkey) by gene expression programming İnce, İsmail

12 24 p. 1-13
18 Experimental investigation on the effect of confining pressure on the tensile strength of sandstone using hollow cylinder tensile test method Li, Junzhe

12 24 p. 1-7
19 Experimental research on biochemical consolidation of bauxite tailings clay Ou, Xiaoduo

12 24 p. 1-10
20 Fluoride dynamics in hydrogeological diversity and Fluoride Contamination Index mapping: a correlation study of North Singbhum Craton, India Bera, Biswajit

12 24 p. 1-15
21 Fracture analysis of multi-hard roofs based on microseismic monitoring and control techniques for induced rock burst: a case study Zhang, Wenlong

12 24 p. 1-14
22 Fracturing fluid retention in shale gas reservoirs:mechanisms and functions You, Lijun

12 24 p. 1-17
23 Geobiological assessment of the pollution effect of abandoned mine ores (Fej Lahdoum, Northwest Tunisia) Nouairi, Jihène

12 24 p. 1-12
24 Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of basalts in the Sangxiu formation, Rongbu area, southern Tibet Li, Ying

12 24 p. 1-16
25 Geochemical evidence on the depositional environment of Nummulites accumulations around Elazig, Sivas, and Eskişehir (Turkey) in the middle Eocene sub-epoch Sinanoglu, Derya

12 24 p. 1-10
26 Habitat quality of overwintering red-crowned cranes based on ecological niche modeling Wang, Juan

12 24 p. 1-10
27 Heterogeneity analysis of shale reservoirs from multi-stage pumping data using Hilbert-Huang transform method Zhai, Wenbao

12 24 p. 1-13
28 Hydrocarbon accumulation and main controlling factors of reef-shoal gas reservoirs in Changxing Formation in the complex tectonic area, Eastern Sichuan Basin Gu, Yifan

12 24 p. 1-15
29 Hydrocarbon generation potential of the third member of the Shahejie Formation (Es3) of the Bozhong sub-basin, Bohai Bay Basin, Northern China Liu, Wei

12 24 p. 1-12
30 Hydrogeochemical characterization and water quality assessment of springs in the Emirdağ (Afyonkarahisar) basin, Turkey Aksever, Fatma

12 24 artikel
31 Hydrogeochemical characterization and water quality assessment of springs in the Emirdağ (Afyonkarahisar) basin, Turkey Aksever, Fatma

12 24 p. 1-21
32 Hydrogeochemical characterization of the Complexe Terminal aquifer system in hyper-arid zones: the case of wadi Mya Basin, Algeria Nadhira, Sail

12 24 p. 1-18
33 Investigation of physical factors influencing permanent gully development in southern Gombe state, Northeast Nigeria Didams, Gideon

12 24 p. 1-14
34 Investigation on the mechanical behaviors of pre-cracked Brazilian disks using a trigon-based numerical manifold method Jiang, Yalong

12 24 p. 1-12
35 Land cover patterns in Mongolia and their spatiotemporal changes from 1990 to 2010 Wang, Juanle

12 24 p. 1-13
36 Magnet design of nuclear magnetic resonance system for well logging and geoscience applications Asadi, B.

12 24 p. 1-10
37 Magnetotelluric investigation for imaging the subsurface geoelectrical feature of the prospective Sembalun-Propok geothermal zone, Indonesia Febriani, Febty

12 24 p. 1-18
38 Modeling and optimization of the flocculation process of polydisperse travertine suspension employing an eco-friendly hybrid flocculant Şimşek, Barış

12 24 p. 1-11
39 Model test for water inrush caused by karst caves filled with confined water in tunnels Yang, Weimin

12 24 p. 1-11
40 Modulation in growth, gas exchange, and antioxidant activities of salt-stressed rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes by zinc fertilization Jan, Muhammad

12 24 p. 1-7
41 Nearshore hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes along the sandy coast of Boumerdes, Algeria Salem Cherif, Yousra

12 24 p. 1-17
42 Numerical simulation of the mechanics of formation of a parallel reverse fault He, Hujun

12 24 p. 1-10
43 Origin and geochemical evolution of groundwaters at the northeastern extend of the active Fethiye-Burdur fault zone within the ophiolitic Teke nappes, SW Turkey Demer, Selma

12 24 p. 1-16
44 Permeability model analysis of combined rock mass with different lithology Tian, Zhongxi

12 24 p. 1-13
45 Piecewise wet and dry spell duration-number relationship and possible climate change impact identification in Turkey Şişman, Eyüp

12 24 p. 1-11
46 Pilot-scale electrokinetic treatment of dispersive soil and feasibility study of sodium ion transport across the soil by electric field relocation Shoghi, Hassan

12 24 p. 1-7
47 Predicting land use changes in northern China using logistic regression, cellular automata, and a Markov model Wang, Min

12 24 p. 1-12
48 Prediction of scour pattern around hydraulic structures using geostatistical methods Karami, Hojat

12 24 p. 1-14
49 Prediction of shallow salt cavity geometry from surface subsidence configurations Saoanunt, Naruemol

12 24 p. 1-7
50 Production logging via coiled tubing fiber optic infrastructures (FSI) and its application in shale gas wells Meng, Xuangang

12 24 p. 1-7
51 Provenance of Cretaceous Dasheng Group Malanggou Formation in the mid-part of the Yishu fault zone, Shandong Province, China Song, Liguo

12 24 p. 1-17
52 Rock mass characteristic of Suanjingzi section in the Beishan Preselected Site of China’s high-level radioactive waste disposal Wang, Guibin

12 24 p. 1-11
53 Scenario modeling of the groundwater in a coastal aquifer (Jijel plain area, Algeria) Boufekane, Abdelmadjid

12 24 p. 1-14
54 Sequence stratigraphic analysis and reservoir quality assessment of an onshore field, Central Swamp Depobelt, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria Anyiam, Okwudiri Aloysius

12 24 p. 1-19
55 Soft-sediment deformation: deep-water slope deposits of a back-arc basin (middle Eocene-Oligocene Kırkgeçit Formation, Elazığ Basin), Eastern Turkey Koç-Taşgın, Calibe

12 24 p. 1-20
56 Strata movement and shield pressure analysis at Tongxin longwall top coal caving working face with extra-thick coal seam Liu, Chuang

12 24 p. 1-19
57 Structural control, seismic expression, and types of reefs of rifting margins in the late Permian Changxing Age, Sichuan Basin, China Wuling, Mo

12 24 p. 1-13
58 Study of the spatiotemporal variability in agricultural drought vulnerability based on a dynamic classification projection pursuit model Pei, Wei

12 24 p. 1-11
59 Tectonic setting and seismicity of the Ras Alsheikh Hamid area, northern Red Sea, Saudi Arabia Haredy, Rabea

12 24 p. 1-11
60 The effectiveness of rhizosphere microorganisms to control Verticillium wilt disease caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb. in olives Arici, Serife Evrim

12 24 p. 1-9
61 The impact of climate change on groundwater resources in northwestern Algeria Berhail, Sabri

12 24 p. 1-9
62 The law and mechanism of dynamic methane diffusion from coal particles under different moisture content Liu, Yanwei

12 24 p. 1-7
63 The structural geometry and metamorphic evolution of the Umm Gheig shear belt, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: implications for exhumation of Sibai core complex during oblique transpression Abd El-Wahed, Mohamed A.

12 24 p. 1-31
64 Ultrasonic experiment and mechanical properties of rock and soil mixture under triaxial deformation Cui, Kai

12 24 p. 1-7
65 Wind energy land distribution in Morocco in 2021–2050 according to RCM simulation of CORDEX-Africa project Hadri, Youssef El

12 24 p. 1-8
                             65 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland