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                             38 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A controlled trial of the effectiveness of internet continuing medical education Casebeer, Linda
6 1 artikel
2 A panel of kallikrein markers can reduce unnecessary biopsy for prostate cancer: data from the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer Screening in Göteborg, Sweden Vickers, Andrew J
6 1 artikel
3 Assessment of strategies for switching patients from olanzapine to risperidone: A randomized, open-label, rater-blinded study Ganguli, Rohan
6 1 artikel
4 Association between umbilical cord glucocorticoids and blood pressure at age 3 years Huh, Susanna Y
6 1 artikel
5 Birth then and now Lumley, Judith
6 1 artikel
6 Clinical characterization and the mutation spectrum in Swedish adenomatous polyposis families Kanter-Smoler, Gunilla
6 1 artikel
7 Collagen density promotes mammary tumor initiation and progression Provenzano, Paolo P
6 1 artikel
8 Commentary on strategies for switching antipsychotics Davis, John M
6 1 artikel
9 Connexin-43 upregulation in micrometastases and tumor vasculature and its role in tumor cell attachment to pulmonary endothelium Elzarrad, M Khair
6 1 artikel
10 Genomic variation in myeloma: design, content, and initial application of the Bank On A Cure SNP Panel to detect associations with progression-free survival Van Ness, Brian
6 1 artikel
11 Germline polymorphisms as modulators of cancer phenotypes Tan, Patrick
6 1 artikel
12 Graduates of different UK medical schools show substantial differences in performance on MRCP(UK) Part 1, Part 2 and PACES examinations McManus, IC
6 1 artikel
13 Helping editors, peer reviewers and authors improve the clarity, completeness and transparency of reporting health research Moher, David
6 1 artikel
14 Herbal remedy clinical trials in the media: a comparison with the coverage of conventional pharmaceuticals Bubela, Tania
6 1 artikel
15 Increased deposition of C3b on red cells with low CR1 and CD55 in a malaria-endemic region of western Kenya: Implications for the development of severe anemia Odhiambo, Collins O
6 1 artikel
16 Lack of association of two common polymorphisms on 9p21 with risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction; results from a prospective cohort study Dehghan, Abbas
6 1 artikel
17 Low birthweight and preterm birth in young people with special educational needs: a magnetic resonance imaging analysis Spencer, Michael D
6 1 artikel
18 LRRK2 in Parkinson's disease – drawing the curtain of penetrance: a commentary Krüger, Rejko
6 1 artikel
19 Measuring maternal mortality: An overview of opportunities and options for developing countries Graham, WJ
6 1 artikel
20 MicroRNAs: regulators of oncogenesis and stemness Papagiannakopoulos, Thales
6 1 artikel
21 miR-124 and miR-137 inhibit proliferation of glioblastoma multiforme cells and induce differentiation of brain tumor stem cells Silber, Joachim
6 1 artikel
22 Modelling neurofibromatosis type 1 tibial dysplasia and its treatment with lovastatin Kolanczyk, Mateusz
6 1 artikel
23 More in hope than expectation: a systematic review of women's expectations and experience of pain relief in labour Lally, Joanne E
6 1 artikel
24 Mortality after infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) diagnosed in the community Delaney, JA 'Chris'
6 1 artikel
25 Physicians' experiences with end-of-life decision-making: Survey in 6 European countries and Australia Löfmark, Rurik
6 1 artikel
26 Prostate-specific antigen at or before age 50 as a predictor of advanced prostate cancer diagnosed up to 25 years later: A case-control study Ulmert, David
6 1 artikel
27 Statins, bone, and neurofibromatosis type 1 Korf, Bruce R
6 1 artikel
28 The cost-effectiveness of increasing alcohol taxes: a modelling study van den Berg, Matthijs
6 1 artikel
29 The Gly2019Ser mutation in LRRK2 is not fully penetrant in familial Parkinson's disease: the GenePD study Latourelle, Jeanne C
6 1 artikel
30 The Method for Assigning Priority Levels (MAPLe): A new decision-support system for allocating home care resources Hirdes, John P
6 1 artikel
31 The pathophysiology of malarial anaemia: where have all the red cells gone? Kai, Oscar K
6 1 artikel
32 The problems of meta-analysis for antibiotic treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a heterogeneous disease: a commentary on Puhan et al Sethi, Sanjay
6 1 artikel
33 Tracking the spatial diffusion of influenza and norovirus using telehealth data: A spatiotemporal analysis of syndromic data Cooper, Duncan L
6 1 artikel
34 Upregulation of CRABP1 in human neuroblastoma cells overproducing the Alzheimer-typical Aβ42 reduces their differentiation potential Uhrig, Markus
6 1 artikel
35 Valvular regurgitation and surgery associated with fenfluramine use: an analysis of 5743 individuals Dahl, Charles F
6 1 artikel
36 Where is the supporting evidence for treating mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations with antibiotics? A systematic review Puhan, Milo A
6 1 artikel
37 25 years of HIV-1 research – progress and perspectives Wainberg, Mark A
6 1 artikel
38 Yellow fever control in Cameroon: Where are we now and where are we going? Wiysonge, Charles Shey
6 1 artikel
                             38 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland