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                             13 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 A time-varying expectations formation mechanism Bovi, Maurizio

37 1 p. 69-103
2 Benefit sharing mechanisms for agricultural genetic diversity use and on-farm conservation Cheng, Wenjuan

37 1 p. 337-355
3 Can parents’ education lay the foundation for reducing the inactivity of young people? A regional analysis of Italian NEETs Odoardi, Iacopo

37 1 p. 307-336
4 Collusion in public procurement: the role of subcontracting Cesi, B.

37 1 p. 251-265
5 Forecasting inflation in Sweden Lindholm, Unn

37 1 p. 39-68
6 Impulse and time persistence of disaggregate welfare expenditure on growth in the EU Crociata, Alessandro

37 1 p. 13-38
7 Poverty, emergence, boom and affluence: a new classification of economies Saccone, Donatella

37 1 p. 267-306
8 Public information, education and welfare Femminis, Gianluca

37 1 p. 137-166
9 The impact of culture on FDI disentangled: separating the “level” and the “distance” effects Kapás, Judit

37 1 p. 223-250
10 The impact of environmental policy on location patterns in the waste management industry Falkowska, Aleksandra

37 1 p. 167-195
11 The political economy of municipal consortia and municipal mergers Di Liddo, Giuseppe

37 1 p. 105-135
12 Widening the gap: the influence of ‘inner areas’ on income inequality in Italy Gallo, Giovanni

37 1 p. 197-221
13 Women, science and development: The  leading role of OWSD Quadrio-Curzio, Alberto

37 1 p. 1-12
                             13 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands