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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ageing population and pension system sustainability: reforms and redistributive implications Bazzana, Davide

37 3 p. 971-992
2 A general expenditure system for estimation of consumer demand functions Bigerna, Simona

37 3 p. 1071-1088
3 An exploratory study of populism: the municipality-level predictors of electoral outcomes in Italy Levi, Eugenio

37 3 p. 833-875
4 Are innovative regions more resilient? Evidence from Europe in 2008–2016 Filippetti, Andrea

37 3 p. 807-832
5 Electoral systems and economic growth Aboal, Diego

37 3 p. 781-805
6 Employment incentives and the disaggregated impact on the economy. The Italian case Zotti, Jacopo

37 3 p. 993-1032
7 Inequality and development: is the Kuznets curve in effect today? Martínez-Navarro, Diego

37 3 p. 703-735
8 Money and time: what would you give back to me? Reciprocity between children and their elderly parents in Europe Mazzotta, Fernanda

37 3 p. 941-969
9 The impact of agribusiness crimes on food prices: evidence from Italy Perone, Gaetano

37 3 p. 877-909
10 The impact of electrification on labour market outcomes in Nigeria Tagliapietra, Simone

37 3 p. 737-779
11 The scars of scarcity in the short run: an empirical investigation across Europe Baldini, Massimo

37 3 p. 1033-1069
12 When the two ends meet: an experiment on cooperation and social capital Battiston, Pietro

37 3 p. 911-940
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland