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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Climate financing by the German government: a win-win strategy? Ötsch, Silke

34 2 p. 207-229
2 Collective actors and potential alliances for eco-social policies in Germany Cremer, Julia C.

34 2 p. 183-206
3 Eco-social policies in a multilevel setup: from Brussels to Berlin Zimmermann, Katharina

34 2 p. 255-271
4 Erratum to: The Politics of Germany’s eco-social transformation Finkeldey, Jasper

34 2 p. 329-330
5 Ideas in transition? Policymakers’ ideas of the social dimension of the green transition Gerstenberg, Anne

34 2 p. 137-159
6 Next stop carbon dioxide removal? German climate policies and the risky road to negative emission technologies Haas, Tobias

34 2 p. 161-181
7 Opportunities and limitations for social justice in Germany’s climate adaptation policy Teebken, Julia

34 2 p. 231-253
8 Power (re)distribution: How dominant capital regained control of the Energiewende Levi, Tia

34 2 p. 295-327
9 The ‘glass ceiling’ of Germany’s socio-ecological transformation: Citizen, expert, and local stakeholder perspectives on responsibility for change Kreinin, Halliki

34 2 p. 273-293
10 The Politics of Germany’s eco-social transformation Finkeldey, Jasper

34 2 p. 123-136
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland