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                             13 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Additive manufacturing embraces big data Bi, Kaiming

6 2 p. 181-197
2 A new approach for automated measuring of the melt pool geometry in laser-powder bed fusion Schmid, Simon

6 2 p. 269-279
3 Chemical treatments to enhance surface quality of FFF manufactured parts: a systematic review Castro-Casado, Daniel

6 2 p. 307-319
4 Development, implementation and optimization of a mobile 3D printing platform Sauter, Andreas

6 2 p. 231-241
5 Editorial PIAM March 2021 Pei, Eujin

6 2 p. 179
6 I-support soft arm for assistance tasks: a new manufacturing approach based on 3D printing and characterization Arleo, Luca

6 2 p. 243-256
7 Mapping drift in morphology and electrical performance in aerosol jet printing Yoo, David

6 2 p. 257-268
8 Metal additive manufacturing of carbon steel with direct laser deposition: computer simulation Hosseinzadeh, Hamed

6 2 p. 217-229
9 Novel concepts for the design of moulds and equipment for expanded polymer bead foams Alessio, F.

6 2 p. 339-346
10 Optimization of 3D printing process parameters to minimize surface roughness with hybrid artificial neural network model and particle swarm algorithm Shirmohammadi, Mohammad

6 2 p. 199-215
11 Shape recovery analysis of the additive manufactured 3D smart surfaces through reverse engineering Tiwari, Nilesh

6 2 p. 281-295
12 Smoothing additive manufactured parts using ns-pulsed laser radiation Kuisat, Florian

6 2 p. 297-306
13 Towards an understanding of the functional properties of NiTi produced by powder bed fusion Nespoli, Adelaide

6 2 p. 321-337
                             13 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands