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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 AI and moral thinking: how can we live well with machines to enhance our moral agency? Boddington, Paula

1 2 p. 109-111
2 Being a data professional: give voice to value in a data driven society Gotterbarn, Don

1 2 p. 195-203
3 Correction to: MIT’s moral machine project is a psychological roadblock to self-driving cars Furey, Heidi

1 2 p. 157
4 Correction to: Towards intellectual freedom in an AI Ethics Global Community Ebell, Christoph

1 2 p. 139-140
5 How safe is our reliance on AI, and should we regulate it? LaGrandeur, Kevin

1 2 p. 93-99
6 If robots are people, can they be made for profit? Commercial implications of robot personhood Chomanski, Bartlomiej

1 2 p. 183-193
7 Job candidates’ reactions to AI-Enabled job application processes van Esch, Patrick

1 2 p. 119-130
8 Management perspective of ethics in artificial intelligence Baker-Brunnbauer, Josef

1 2 p. 173-181
9 MIT’s moral machine project is a psychological roadblock to self-driving cars Furey, Heidi

1 2 p. 151-155
10 Policy brief: the creation of a G20 coordinating committee for the governance of artificial intelligence Jelinek, Thorsten

1 2 p. 141-150
11 Responsible AI and moral responsibility: a common appreciation Tigard, Daniel W.

1 2 p. 113-117
12 Smile, you are being identified! Risks and measures for the use of facial recognition in (semi-)public spaces Moraes, Thiago Guimarães

1 2 p. 159-172
13 Towards intellectual freedom in an AI Ethics Global Community Ebell, Christoph

1 2 p. 131-138
14 Using unethical data to build a more ethical world Brandon, Jamie

1 2 p. 101-108
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland