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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 AI auditing and impact assessment: according to the UK information commissioner’s office Kazim, Emre

1 3 p. 301-310
2 A set of distinct facial traits learned by machines is not predictive of appearance bias in the wild Steed, Ryan

1 3 p. 249-260
3 Automation, work and the achievement gap Danaher, John

1 3 p. 227-237
4 Bridging the gap: the case for an ‘Incompletely Theorized Agreement’ on AI policy Stix, Charlotte

1 3 p. 261-271
5 Correction to: AI auditing and impact assessment: according to the UK information commissioner’s office Kazim, Emre

1 3 p. 311
6 Declaration on the ethics of brain–computer interfaces and augment intelligence Zeng, Yi

1 3 p. 209-211
7 Mapping value sensitive design onto AI for social good principles Umbrello, Steven

1 3 p. 283-296
8 Moral responsibility for computationally designed products Douglas, David M.

1 3 p. 273-281
9 On formal ethics versus inclusive moral deliberation Hoffmann, Christian Herzog né

1 3 p. 313-329
10 On human genome manipulation and Homo technicus: the legal treatment of non-natural human subjects Jaynes, Tyler L.

1 3 p. 331-345
11 Opening the path to ethics in artificial intelligence Forbes, Kelly

1 3 p. 297-300
12 Privacy and data balkanization: circumventing the barriers Huberman, Bernardo A.

1 3 p. 347-353
13 Public acceptance and perception of autonomous vehicles: a comprehensive review Othman, Kareem

1 3 p. 355-387
14 Societal bias reinforcement through machine learning: a credit scoring perspective Hassani, Bertrand K.

1 3 p. 239-247
15 Sustainable AI: AI for sustainability and the sustainability of AI van Wynsberghe, Aimee

1 3 p. 213-218
16 The interrelation between data and AI ethics in the context of impact assessments Kazim, Emre

1 3 p. 219-225
17 Who pays for ethical debt in AI? Petrozzino, Catherine

1 3 p. 205-208
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland