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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anomalous solubility of organic solutes in supercritical water: A molecular explanation Biswas, Ranjit

111 2 p. 387-394
2 Atoms in molecules: Application to electronic structure of van der Waals complexes Subramanian, V

111 2 p. 369-375
3 Biomedical and industrial applications of collagen Meena, C

111 2 p. 319-329
4 Electrochemical behaviour of copper-nickel alloy in chloride solution Mathiyarasu, J

111 2 p. 377-386
5 Fine structure of collagen: Molecular mechanisms of the interactions of collagen Bhatnagar, Rajendra S

111 2 p. 301-317
6 Hepatocyte-matrix interaction Sudhakaran, P R

111 2 p. 331-342
7 Surface tension and ultrasonic velocity of binary liquid mixtures at 298.15 K Pandey, J D

111 2 p. 361-367
8 Synthesis and characterization of new photosensitizer bridgehead cyanine dyes El-Aal, Reda Mahmoud Abd

111 2 p. 343-352
9 The pervasive solvent-separated sodium chloride ion pair in water-DMSO mixtures Das, Ashok K

111 2 p. 353-360
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland